The Vegetarian Butcher Ikebukuro
Vegan Burger Vegetarian Burger

B1F, 3-29-9 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Google Map :
Ikebukuro Station
03-6903-1211 (+81-3-6903-1211)
24 seats
Opening Hours
11:00 – 22:00 (Last Order : 21:30)
Shop Holidays
Website (Japanese)
I went to The Vegetarian Butcher, which is a vegetarian burger shop, this time!
It opened in August this year 2020.
The shop had originally opened its chain stores outside Japan and finally came to Japan.
I often go to Ikebukuro and only a couple of vegan or vegetarian cafes I know, so this is a great news to me!
What is The Vegetarian Butcher?
The Vegetarian Buthcer opened in Hague in Netherlands in 2010.
After that, the company was acquired by Unilever in 2018 and now 2020, it spread to about 30 countries with 15000 shops.
The Vegetarian Butcher in Ikebukuro was originally Korean barbeque restaurant run by Mr. Muratani.
But he changed the course and created a marketing alliance with The Vegetarian Butcher in Netherlands in 2017.
He shifted from Korean barbeque restaurant to vegetarian restaurant.
It was a big change of course.
Environmentally friendly
Vegetarian and vegan shop itself is already contributed to the earth but They also use papers WWF recommends.
They might use eggs or dairy products for a part of the menu but the animals are also bred without cages.
Cholesterol-free and Rich Protein
The vegetarian foods The Vegetarian Butcher sale are low-calory, colesterol-free and rich in protein.
Some athletes and people who do Yoga or workout take the foods in their diet.
Vegan burger I enjoyed this time also had a big portion of soy meats.
To The Vegetarian Butcher

About 5 minute-walk from West exit of Ikebukuro station, I came to The Vegetarian Butcher.
It might be a bit difficult to find but it is located underground of the building right next to the Burger King.

Came inside to find a cheerful atmosphere there.
Actually, I came here as a deliverer of Uber Eats and decided to come here again as a customer then.

I came here in the afternoon 4 p.m. as I thought there are fewer people at the time and there were.
Any seat is OK to sit?, I was wondering.
“Have a counter seat, please”
A staff led me.

After coming back home I checked a video of the shop and found that the staff was the owner, maybe.
Order from Mobile!
“Please scan the QR code with your smartphone and order”
Another staff at the counter bar told me and gave me a paper of QR code.

This is first time to me!
No real menu or menu on tablet but order from my own mobile phone!
Preventeive measure of CCVID-10?
Mesure for efficiency or expenses?
Anyway, this is the first experience to me, I wonder if I can order the menu properly.
After scanning, top page of The Vegetarian Butcher appeared.

Tapped “Start Order” and menus of “Athelete”・”Animal Products Free”・”Five Pungent Roots Free”,etc. appeared on the left side.

“Athlete” is the menu of high-protein among them, I think.
But thinking about there is also a menu of No animal products, the menu includes egg or dairy products, I think.
So, I can say this menu is for a vegetarian who is OK with eggs and dairy products.
If you are a vegan, either of “Animal Products Free” or “Five Pungent Roots Free”, I recommend.
For “Animal Products Free”, I found following menus.
Chicken Burger/Chicken Cheese Burger/Chicken Egg Cheese Burger
Looks like fake chicken is the feature here.

Following is the menus of “Five Pungent Roots Free”.
Five pungent roots are onion, leek, scallion, etc. which are the plants prohibited to have in Buddhism.

I’m curious about “Dessert”, too.
Law-sugar rare cheesecake and Tiramisu.
They are also made of vegetables, aren’t they.

There are many menus, so I was torn but decided to go for “Isseki Nicho Terimayo Chicken Chunk Burger” as it was written “Recommended” with bracket.
The price was about $11 (1180 yen).

Chose the menu and tapped Order to add cart.
I could order easily.
Found Self-service Beverage Station!
“Thanks for ordering”
The staff right in front told me the moment I ordered.
“Self-service beverage station of the set menu is over there, so please use it”
She told me.
Self-service Beverage Station!!
I was surprised.
Actually, you can find this self-service style beverage station often at a chain restaurant in Japan.
That’s normal but I’ve never seen it at this kind of vegan and vegetarian restaurant or cafe.

The drink menus were coke, ginger ale, coffee, minute maid (orange juice), etc.
8 types in total and nothing different from those of ordinary chain restaurants.
It would be great if they had fair trade or organic coffee on the menu.
But, I like this beverage station, so I’m pleased with it.
Deliverer of Uber often come
While waiting, I could hear a familiar sound from the kitchen.
This sound is actually a sign of they got an order from Uver Eats.
Familiar sound to a deliverer of Uber Eats.
Yes, I work as a deliverer of Uber about 2 times a week, so I become like “Oh, now they got ab order”.
If I start checking my mobile the moment I hear the sound, it would be an occupational hazard, haha.
Many Uber Eats deliverers come in while I wait for the meal.
Only one time, I also came here like them.
Even after 4 p.m., they get orders, must be a popular cafe.
Some customers from overseas also came here at the real cafe, too.
Nice Atmosphere Inside
I drink juice and wait for the food I ordered.

While waiting, I took some pictures of the inside.
Some cafes or restaurants have a bit dark atmosphere if they are located underground but this place has a cheerful atmosphere.
It is also good they have many counter seats.
Other than the counter seats in front of the kitchen where I am now, there are 2 counter tables near the entrance for 2 to 3 people.

These are the kitchen and showcase.

Certainly, butcher although what they display is all made of vegetables.

12 people can sit at table seats.

Tasted Isseki Sancho Terimayo Chunk Burger

Waited for about 5 minutes and came Isseki Sancho Terimayo Chunk Burger.

Fried potatoes came with the burger were not like thin and long or with its skin.

This is Terimayo Chicken.
From the look, it is difficult to tell the difference from the one using real chicken.

“You can use this wrapping paper”
She told me and I noticed that there were wrapping papers for the burgers on the table.

It has a dish, so it is OK, I have it directly without the paper this time.
Hold it to find that it is substantial.
Anyway, Itadakimasu!

Taste is, yes, very strong!
From the name Terimayo, it is already strong.
Each meat has a good texture and substantial.
“What is this meat made from ?”
I asked.
“Yes, it is made from this ingredient”
She brought and showed me a pamphlet.
WHAT TH CLUCK, written in English.
The ingredients are soy protein, salt, and sunflower oil.

I see, soy beans.
So this is soymeat.
The texture is also close to that of real chicken.
Although it is not like juicy meat like a real one but has a good texture of soybeans.
By the way, I also checked others’ impressions of taste on the burgers of beef here.
They said that beef burgers were very close to real ones
I became almost full after eating both burger and potatoes.
If you want to have a substantial burger with a strong flavor, I recommend this place.
If not asked, you can not tell the difference from a real meat one.
I enjoyed a coffee after the meal.

Sometimes something like a barrier or wall made if you say vegan or vegetarian especially here in Japan.
But I felt like here, anyone can go inside without hesitation and enjoy the dishes.
It is also interesting this shop is originally from the Netherlands and spread across the world now.
In the old days, the image of the vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Japan was plain, small portion and a bit unique atmosphere but now they are almost nothing diffent from ordinary modern cafes or restaurants.
The only difference is made from vegetables and even that point is hard to find if you are not told in advance.
There was a vegetarian burger shop 1 or 2 years ago in Ikebukuro station but it closed in a short time.
I felt sad but now this shop opened.
This time I had no space and couldn’t enjoy the sweets, so I wanna try it next time if I have a chance to come here.
Well, maybe I would be invited as a deliverer of Uber before that! f ;^_^
Google Map of The Vegetarian Butcher Ikebukuro