Nataraj Ginza

Menu of Nataraj Ginza

[Indian Style Vegan Menu]
This is an Indian style vegan restaurant that has its restaurant also in Shibuya, Aoyama, Ogikubo, etc.

Nataraj Ogikubo

Menu of Nataraj

[Indian Style Vegan Menu]
Here you can enjoy veggie Indian foods that accommodate wisdom of Ayurveda

Crayonhouse HIROBA

Menu of Crayonhouse

[Non-vegetarian Menu]
[Vegan Menu]
This is very popular restaurant that exists since the foundation in 1976

Kaemon Asakusa

Menu of Kaemon

[Vegan Menu]
[Halal Menu]
From no-vegetarian to people that have a religious dietary restriction, can enjoy organic vegan dishes here