Komaki Syokudo Kamakura Fushikian

Menu of Komaki Syokudo Kamakura Fushikian

[Vegan Menu]
[Japanese Shojin Cuisine]
Chef has a career of chef in Rinzai school Kencyo Temple. Komaki Syokudo Kamakura Fushikian was located inside CHABARA which is a big shopping place.


Brown Rice Menu

[Vegan Menu]
[Gluten-free Sweets]
Whole food, handmade and people are the concept of Brown Rice

T’s TanTan Tokyo Keiyo Street

Black Sesame Tantan

[Vegan Noodle]
[Vegan Menu]
The noodle does not use meat, fish, dairy products, egg that vegan can also enjoy noodles here