Vegan Ice Cream Sold at Japanese Convenience Store and Supermarket!

Vegan Ice Cream COOLish Green

[Vegan Ice Cream]

vegan ice cream has become available even at convenience stores and supermarkets in Japan.I would like to introduce four vegan ice creams available at Japanese convenience stores and supermarkets!

Vegan and Vegetarian foods of Family Mart (Convenience Store) in Japan

Vegan and Vegetarian food of Family Mart (Convenience Store)

Japanese convenience store Family Mart sell some vegan and vegetarian foods!
I’ll introduce what I tried here!!

Family Mart Started Selling Vegan Keema Curry this time!!

Soy Meat Keema Curry has been sold at a convenience store Family Mart now!



[Vegan Convenience Store]
[Japanese Vegan Dish]
VEGAN STORE is the special shop and restaurant for vegan.
No need to worry or check ingredients as it is all made of vegetables here.