marugo deli ebisu

Menu of marugo deli ebisu

[Raw Juice & Smoothie Menu]
[Vegan Menu]
Main menu of marugo deli ebisu is fresh juice and smoothie

Lotus & flower’s One

Menu of Lotus & flower's One

[Vegan Menu]
This restaurant is run under the policy of tasty, surprising vegetarian cuisine and safe

meu nota

Menu of meu nota

[Vegan Menu]
Falafel plate and Taco Rice are one of the popular menus here


Menu of Poleyale

[Vegan Menu]
The owner directly goes to coffee farm in Myanmar, interacts with people and selects

Sarasya Shinsencyaen

Menu of Sarasya Shinsencyaen

[Vegan Menu]
Sarasya Shinsencyaen offers various types of selected Chinese tea with vegan dishes

Rainbow RawFood

Menu of Rainbow RawFood

[Raw Food Menu]
[Vegan Menu]
Literally, here is the place where you can enjoy raw food at reasonable price

Crayonhouse HIROBA

Menu of Crayonhouse

[Non-vegetarian Menu]
[Vegan Menu]
This is very popular restaurant that exists since the foundation in 1976

Mr. FARMER Roppongi

Menu of Mr. FARMER Roppongi

[Vegan Menu]
This is not a perfect vegetarian restaurant but it has also vegan menu and gluten-free menu



[Non-vegetarian Menu]
[Vegetarian Menu]
They cook selected brown rice in an original way that you can enjoy glutinous texture and sweetness of brown rice